Well folks, summer is in 6 weeks and I think we just FINALLY have springtime weather here in Washington state. I think someone forgot to tell the ground hog when spring started, because it was rainy and cold way longer than normal out here.
It was a rough winter to say the least. I spent a lot of this last winter feeling inadequate and criticizing myself for being human, and making human mistakes (gaining a little of the weight I lost back.) I'll tell you what, it's exhausting being so hard on yourself, and I spent months doing nothing else but beating myself up for being human.
Fast forward a little bit, I finally started to see some improvement in myself, and I was feeling happy when life just threw curve ball after curve ball at me. My personality was too sensitive for my job, some of my close friends proved to have never wanted friendship all along, and being a mom was it's usual basket of trials that left me wondering how I was supposed to make lemonade out of these lemons. Thanks life.
Well, it turns out, I made tea instead, and I didn't need the lemons that life gave me to make the best out of my situation. The sun still came up, I was still alive and healthy, and although it felt like everything that could go wrong was going wrong, I still have a wonderful husband and kids. I decided it was time to pick myself up, and choose to be happier.
I started doing yoga 4 days ago. Yeah, seriously. So in my 4 days as a newbie to yoga, I've learned to slow down and, well, to calm the fuck down. Pardon my language. I predict a lot of yoga and robust, fruity teas this summer while I enjoy the moments I live in.
Have ever had Starbucks Passion tea? It's a red tea that is sweet, fruity, summery, and $3 Everytime you want it. That's not such a big price until your husband is like "Wait you got it twice today? Or did they charge us twice?" (I love you dear, don't add up the total for the month.)
I really enjoy tea honestly. I think I get most of my water content from herbal and fruity teas, and they're good for more than just feeling fancy. I'm sure you've heard about the antioxidants, and positive effects of tea. Id be more specific but if we are being honest, I don't know a more detailed description. So tea is good, that's what I know.
I decided to use my instant pot to see if I could get that "sun tea" taste and I believe I just did it! I used 1/4 cup of Private Selection brand Forest Fruit loose leaf tea, and 1/4 cup of Berry and Ancient Flower loose leaf tea (same brand) and added it to 1 gallon of water in my instant pot. I threw in 3 Mango Passion fruit tea bags from the brand Stash, because I was feeling confident. I set my IP to manual high pressure, 10 minutes. I quick released after that and it was like the longest pressure release everrrrrrrr, but the smell was so fruity. I mixed in my swerve sweetner to taste (about 1/4 cup for the whole gallon) and then strained it all into a pitcher.

At this point, pour it over ice, and add some frozen fruit because we are fancy like that. Hellooooo tea. Yes please.
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