Good afternoon Fit-Fam!
I decided to put together a list of 50 creative ways to burn calories, for those of you who may just not feel like heading to the gym today. How creative can we get? How many calories can we burn?
1) When unloading the dishwasher, put the dishes away one by one. More steps = more calories!
2) Fold laundry downstairs, and bring each item upstairs to put away one by one. Stairs baby!!
3) Dance your butt off. Turn your TV to the Y2K station (or pandora) and just let loose!
4) Run in place when you catch yourself standing still. Great heart rate booster!
5) Watching tv? Do jumping jacks during the commercials. No need to fast forward through them.
6) Carry a 20 pound weight with you each time you go up or down the stairs in your home.
7) Jump rope! It only takes about 7 minutes to burn as much as 100 calories jumping rope.
8) Not good at jumping rope? Jump in place!
9) Cartwheels! Personally, I have NO clue how to do them. But if I did, would do them all the time!
10) Wrestle with the kids! You will be surprised how quickly you run out of breath!
11) Cleaning? do a REAL squat each time you need to bend down for something.
12) When going up stairs, skip a step to challenge your muscles! Sprint them if you dare!
13) Take the kids to the park - and walk in circles around the park while they play.
14) Run through the playground as fast as you can. Make it a race with your kids!
15) Swing at a park. No, really!! Get on the swing, and pump those legs!
16) Each time you sit down, do 20 jumping jacks beforehand.
17) Hula Hoop! How long has it been since you have hula hooped?
18) When sitting at your desk, do single calf raises. Everyone loves great calves!
19) Skip around your house. The extra movement is fun, and burns pretty nicely!
20) Go on a cleaning spree. People who "deep clean" their house can burn up to 500 calories!
21) Throwing something away? Take it to the big can outside rather than the one in your kitchen.
22) Do push ups against the kitchen counter while you wait for the microwave to finish.
23) Run to the mailbox instead of walking. Come on, its not that far.
24) Play frisbee with the dog. The furry family is typically happy to help!
25) Walk the dog! A 10-20 minute walk can create a GREAT after burn for the day.
26) Grab a friend and the stroller, and walk and talk! Time flies when youre chatting away!
27) LAUGH! Laughing works your abdominal muscles and an hour of laughing will feel GREAT!
28) Rake the leaves into a pile for the kids to jump in! Rake them up again, and again!
29) Run through the sprinklers on a hot day! It's a great way to cool down, and burn calories.
30) Climb a tree. Can you still climb a tree? How about going outside and finding out!
31) Rearrange the house. A change in scenery, AND a workout all in one!
32) Jump on the trampoline! Did you know bouncing/jumping is a natural way to boost your mood?
33) Play tag! Running is a lot more fun when you are being chased by friends and family.
34) Do mini sit ups while sitting in a chair. Elevate your feet for a bigger challenge.
35) Put a few weight plates in a backpack and simply carry them around with you.
36) Each time you pick something up from the floor, do a burpee.
37) Vacuum your floor on the lowest setting. This makes the vacuum harder to push.
38) Build something! A dog house, a shelf, a bench, it doesnt matter, just build something!
39) Play dress up! You would be surprised how much movement it takes to do this!
40) Take your time in the grocery store. Walk up and down each aisle!
41) Arm wrestle your spouse. Be sure to try with both arms so one doesnt get jealous :)
42) Run alongside your kids while they are on their bikes. Or walk... Whichever!
43) Stand up instead of sitting down. It's not so terrible to stand, I promise.
44) Do sit ups in the bath tub. The water will create resistance that makes it more difficult.
45) Get romantic with your spouse! It's no secret that sex burns quite a few calories!
46) Pace the room while on the telephone. The extra steps you will take can really add up!
47) Do tricep dips off of a dining room chair, or the edge of the couch while watching TV.
48) Still watching TV? On the floor, flutter your legs up and down with hands under your butt.
49) Sing at the top of your lungs all afternoon. You will have to tighten your core muscles for this!
50) Just be crazy for 5 minutes. Kick the air like a ninja, jump up and down, spin in circles, do anything and everything you can think of to get yourself out of breath for just FIVE minutes!
I firmly believe you can turn anything into a great workout. There are always great ways to make any activity more beneficial for your body. Good night fit-fam!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
186 Calorie Super Moist Pumpkin Spiced Sponge Cake
Fall is here my fit-friends!!!! Can you believe it? Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING is surrounding you, tempting you, and testing your will power. But alas, I have tinkered around in my kitchen, and I have come up with your solution!
Please allow me to introduce you to my "Super Moist Pumpkin Spiced Sponge Cake!" At only 186 calories per serving, it is a very reasonable treat, or even breakfast! This baby is Gluten free, and has a lot of nutrition to offer!
Fat: 2.5 grams Carbs: 28 grams (8 grams fiber) Protein: 13.5 grams
2 large egg whites
5 packets stevia 0 calorie sweetner (or equivelant)
3 drops vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 cup Libby's pumpkin puree (canned)
1 Packet unflavored instant oatmeal (28 grams)
Cinnamon, & pumpkin pie spice to taste
1) Place the Oatmeal dry, in a blender or food processor and blend until it resembles a flour texture. This is called oat flour. In a bowl, add the 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, oat flour, 3 of the 5 stevia packets, and cinnamon/pumpkin pie spice and mix together until well mixed.
2) Place the 2 egg whites in a separate bowl big enough to whip them. Add the 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar, and 2 of the 5 stevia packets. Add in the 3 drops vanilla extract. With a whisk or electric mixer, beat the egg white mixture until it forms fluffy peaks, like whipped cream. (If you are using a whisk, you will need to beat in a circular motion, pretty intensely)
3) Fold the whipped cream egg white mixture into the pumpkin mixture, until it is marbled, but not completely mixed. (About 10-15 folds)
4) Microwave for 3-4 minutes on high, until the cake bounces back when touched. It will be more of a cheesecakey texture than a cake texture, this is normal.
5) Sprinkle cinnamon on top because you are fancy. Enjoy!
Please allow me to introduce you to my "Super Moist Pumpkin Spiced Sponge Cake!" At only 186 calories per serving, it is a very reasonable treat, or even breakfast! This baby is Gluten free, and has a lot of nutrition to offer!
Fat: 2.5 grams Carbs: 28 grams (8 grams fiber) Protein: 13.5 grams
2 large egg whites
5 packets stevia 0 calorie sweetner (or equivelant)
3 drops vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 cup Libby's pumpkin puree (canned)
1 Packet unflavored instant oatmeal (28 grams)
Cinnamon, & pumpkin pie spice to taste
1) Place the Oatmeal dry, in a blender or food processor and blend until it resembles a flour texture. This is called oat flour. In a bowl, add the 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, oat flour, 3 of the 5 stevia packets, and cinnamon/pumpkin pie spice and mix together until well mixed.
2) Place the 2 egg whites in a separate bowl big enough to whip them. Add the 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar, and 2 of the 5 stevia packets. Add in the 3 drops vanilla extract. With a whisk or electric mixer, beat the egg white mixture until it forms fluffy peaks, like whipped cream. (If you are using a whisk, you will need to beat in a circular motion, pretty intensely)
3) Fold the whipped cream egg white mixture into the pumpkin mixture, until it is marbled, but not completely mixed. (About 10-15 folds)
4) Microwave for 3-4 minutes on high, until the cake bounces back when touched. It will be more of a cheesecakey texture than a cake texture, this is normal.
5) Sprinkle cinnamon on top because you are fancy. Enjoy!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Dear Fat Girl
Good evening Fit-Fam!!! Tonight I thought I would share a letter with you all. I was always told at the beginning of this weight loss journey, to write a letter to my future-self for when I need motivation, and so I did. Over one year ago, I wrote to myself. Tonight, I will share that letter with you and also write a reply letter to my past self. If this doesnt touch your heart, you might need to check your pulse.
Dear Sarie,
I come to you tonight to offer a memory. It is March 20th 2013, and I currently weigh 240.2 pounds. Is it silly to write myself a letter when I am not even sure that I will ever change? Maybe... I want to lose weight. I know I have said that a thousand times, and I always give up. I am still not even sure that this will be any different, but tonight I had to buy new underwear because my other underwear are cutting too tightly into my hips. They are a size XXL. I honestly don't know how I let this happen... I don't understand why when I look in the mirror, I dont feel "THAT BIG." I am completely in denial. 240 pounds isnt THAT bad...right? Wrong. I am so miserable. If I ever follow through with this weight loss thing, and should ever NEED to read this, I guess the truth is better motivation than anything. I am miserable. I hide it well with a smile, but I still cry in the fitting rooms, and thats IF I even go clothes shopping anymore. They dont make cute clothes for "fat girls." I have a lot of "fat" friends who are absolutely as happy as can be with themselves. Why can't I be like that? I swear I fake it so often but I don't even look in the mirror anymore... I spend more time hiding from the camera, than I do actually enjoying myself. I rarely even go places anymore because I dont want to be seen like this... I hate when people watch me look through the clothing racks. It is absolutely humiliating to be seen grabbing the very last hanger in the back because I need size "whalephant." If by some act of God, you are reading this letter for motivation to keep pushing forward, hear me out. I am not happy. Underneath it all, I swear to you, I am not happy and I beg you to please not let me live my life like this. My husband and kids deserve so much better than this.....
Sincerely, Fat Girl.
Dear "Fat Girl,"
I come to you tonight to offer you a much needed lift in your spirits. The year is 2015... I first of all, want to say, that you are a STRONG WOMAN. Absolutely every broken piece of you has been held together because you have a heart of gold. I hope that you knew somewhere in your heart that you had it in you, all along. I know this because I am you, over one year later. You are not a "fat-girl" anymore. You are not miserable anymore. You have fought against the wind, and walked uphill in the dark, backwards, blind, to fight your way to this point. NOTHING about the last year was easy, but every triumph shook off a few of those demons that used to hold you back. You ran a 5k without stopping. You can officially go clothes shopping without crying, and you certainly do NOT have to pick from the back of the racks anymore! You have lost 100 pounds! You went from someone who knew NOTHING about nutrition, to a Certified Elite Personal Trainer! You are certified in Fitness Nutrition, Personal Training, Strength and Conditioning, and Group Fitness! You never stop smiling, and you walk with your head held high. It is amazing to be able to be around people and for once NOT wonder if they think you are fat. It is amazing to be able to get dressed, and NOT have to change clothes because of the way things fit. Nothing hugs too tightly, and nothing fits your shape awkwardly anymore. Yep- thats right! You have a shape! I know you were a broken soul before, but I need you to know that you were still able to succeed. I come to you tonight, proud. I am here to prove you wrong, because I always said one day I would. One day I would beat the odds; I would lose the weight. I know that behind that chubby smile was a LOT of depression, and today, both the depression and the chubby smile have packed up and left. You, are worth it. You were ALWAYS worth it, dearest fat girl. You just needed to prove it to yourself, because after all, you were the only one who didnt believe you could do it. Congratulations on your success, hot-stuff! Now lets go change lives!
Sincerely, Sarie. the NOT-fat-anymore-girl. xoxoxoxoxo

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